Once you get into it, there's no getting out.

User Rating: 9.5 | Mass Effect 2 X360
Well I'm going to be honest in saying that this is one of the best games I have played for a while. I love RPG's such as these, in which you have control over characters emotions rather than just their skill. It makes them feel more human, more likeable, if you will.

I'm not going to lie, I did not particularly enjoy the first hour or so. At this point, it just seemed like a crummy space-aged third person shooter. After all the tutorials and mediocre action at the start, my view changed. Once you gain proper control of your crew and ship, the game completely opens up. You get to cruise your ship through different galaxies, and probe loads of planets (Which honestly, is not at all entertaining, but feels somewhat satisfying.)

After you start recruiting new members of your crew, you get to do tasks for them to increase their loyalty towards you. This was a really good addition. It actually made me want to bother straying away from the main plot and focus on the various side plots. Which is of course, very good, it gives the game depth and structure. Once you get into the plot, the game just takes over. You want to continue playing just to see what will happen to the characters.

The RPG element, in which you upgrade your weapons and armour etc. although not feeling necessary... at all, is actually extremely satisfying, making your tedious probing of planets feel extremely paid off. I like the sort of things like this, where you can take a break from the action, just to improve your character and help push the plot forward.

This game is really quite something, however there are aspects keeping it from the 10. The most notable is the combat. Imagine Gears of War, without the combat rolls and the shooting being more (Thats right, more) clunky. I cant help but think that it was almost stolen from Gears, although that being said, almost all third person shooters are just copies of it.

There are other minor things that I don't particularly like. The really long loading screens start to take their toll after a while. I mean seriously, this game has 2 disc's, surely there would be a way around having to sit around for 2 minutes between every room. Thats another thing, I was not worried about this game being to short, until after a few hours of playing I saw the words "Insert disc 2" ... What!? I did not know what to expect after that, but seriously, Disc 2 is considerable longer than 1 (for some... weird reason.)

Other than those reasons, terrible, terrible lip syncing, and a BIT too much dialogue at points, this game is really a FANTASTIC game.