mass effect 2 the best game ever on a console.

User Rating: 10 | Mass Effect 2 X360
mass effect 2 is the sequel to mass effect. the events follow straight on from the first one, from the opening scene, to the choices you made. mass effect 2's combat system has been greatly improved there is a far better range of weapons. there is still the weapon and power wheel, these are good especially when choosing a power as it pause's the game and you can Analise your surroundings and plan your attack. on the assault rifles there is less kickback, although less accurate they pack a punch. the thing that made it much better is that you can different parts for your armor, so you can mix and match different parts to make much stronger. another new addition is upgrades. you need to get resources (which you find when on missions) to upgrade how much damage your weapons do and giving you extra shield strength. you can upgrade the Normandy's weapons and armor. the game can get quite difficult at times especially when you're trapped in a room with husks. unlike in the first one you had to stop the geth, this time you must stop the collectors who have been abducting human colonies for the reapers. throughout the game every one you run into will say that its a 'suicide mission' and things like that, but the only way you can survive is if you gain the loyalty of your squad members which is new. you have to help them with personal problems which does require shooting some mercs or an alien species. there are some new squad members such as grunt, a krogan who loves to kill, thane the drell assassin, jack a Cerberus experiment who's biotic powers could crush a star ship ( she doesn't actually do this but you get the idea) and Samara an asari justicar, even some old faces make a welcome return such as garrus. as in the the first one each member is unique. some are stronger than others, they defiantly have much better powers which they can use. plus each loyal squad member you have you can learn one of there powers. the story does require you to make some very big decisions that can affect the way that the rest of the game plays out.
this is such a big improvement on the first, have played it on each class at least twice and even now i am still finding new places to explore the story, game play and combat blend together so well this is truly one of the best games of 2010.
(this is my first review let me know what you think)