it is really hard to describe the epicness of this game... but i will give it a shot!!!
but i am glad to say that my expectations where met and surpassed!!! this truly epic sequel deserves it's place and lived up to all the hype!
alright, let's break it down:
-Graphics: one of the strongest aspects of this game (along with gameplay and storyline). the characters are as realistic as you can get in 2010 and the environments are just beautiful and exotic!!! you cannot but stare at the beautiful sunny beaches and forests of earth-like worlds, the boiling surfaces and heat effects on hot worlds, the huge cities full of life and entertainment... and of course the stars, the spacecrafts and all of the explosions look great too!!!
-Sound: firefights, biotic powers and explosions all are highly detailed, but what wins the player here is the voice-acting!!! absolutely amazing, it breathes life into every character and adds to the players connection with others or the story...
-Gameplay: great fighting sequences, well balanced biotic powers and enemy difficulty, gaining levels and upgrading your characters (yourself and allies), researching to upgrade your ship and weapons all are well put together... add to that the option of choices in dialogues (between Paragon and Renegade), where you shape Shepard's character and relationships with others as much as the story itself can change!!!
-Storyline: exciting as in the first game (or more so), it delivers great twists and becomes addictive early on... the fact that you can change the story at some points by what you decide, and the excellent way it is delivered, only add to the awesomeness of it!!!
-Playing time: hours upon hours (approximately 30-35 hours each play through!!!) it will satisfy every gamer!!! i myself have gone through it twice (1 as Paragon and 1 as Renegade), playing a total of about 70 hours!!! and i enjoyed every second!
->OVERALL: this is even better than the original, something really difficult to achieve!!! it might not be "flawless" or the "perfect game", but it's as close as we can get today!!! and it is one of the best RPGs i have played EVER!!! (and i played a lot)
finally i have to say this might be the best candidate so far for Game Of The Year for 2010! (i also loved Assassins Creed II, but Ubisoft really tarnished it with that awful DRM)... it is a MUST for every RPG fan and every gamer out there!