Mass Effect 2's latest DLC plays more like an expansion.

User Rating: 8.5 | Mass Effect 2: Lair of the Shadow Broker X360
Lair of the Shadow Broker is the latest DLC for mass Effect 2. This is by far the most expensive DLC but I would almost consider this an expansion pack instead of a small add-on. One nice thing about this is that it can be played at anytime during the game. You do not have to wait for it to become unlocked. This mission is fast paced and action oriented and feels like an action movie.

The Story revolves around Liara and her two years of trying to find and identify who is the Shadow Broker. She spends all her time and money on this new found obsession. The game is all over the place from shoot outs in blown out buildings, boss fights to a car chase with Shepard and Liara exchanging some light hearted banter. The game lets you rekindle that love affair from the first Mass Effect, I was unaware of this, so I had to go through Mass Effect 1 again so I could get laid. I did not have the opportunity to have a second go around because I already started a relationship with Tavi. Liara will actually call you out on this if you bring up your previous relationship. Oh well! I read online that if you remain single throughout the game, you can invite her back to your Captain's Quarters on the Normandy for roll around in the hay. Besides trying to get laid, this is a fantastic DLC and a good example what a DLC should be. It lets you have Liara back in your squad for awhile and it keeps things fresh while you move throughout the mission from location to location. The game takes a lighter tone with Shepard and Liara exchanging some funny dialog from the pervious darker theme of the main story. This is the first step toward Mass Effect 3 and I hope they release some more of these and keep building that gap. The mission is about 1-2 hours which makes buying it hard if you are not a huge Mass Effect 2 fan.

Car chase scene gives a action movie vibe while doing something new in the game.
Story arch is continued and fills the gap in Shepard's and Liara's history.
Expansion of the glaxy and world of Mass Effect
New kickass Shadow Broker model ship for your desk in your Captain's Quarter.
Most expensive DLC yet for Mass Effect 2.
Only 1-2 hours long.
Should have expanded the inventory by releasing new weapons and armor along with the DLC.