A worthy sequel though a little different from the first one.

User Rating: 9 | Mass Effect 2 PC
Mass Effect 2 is nothing short of amazing. Slick visuals, outstanding production values and a universe full of interesting lore and races that come together to bring a game that is hard to put down. Much like many other Role-Playing Games that Bioware makes Mass Effect 2 is very story-driven and addictive from start to finish. RPGs don't get any better than this. So is it an improvement over the first Mass Effect? Here's my two cents:

Let me start with the combat. The most welcome change in combat would be the emphasis on taking cover and squad commands. This make the fights more intense compared to the first Mass Effect. Ammo is also present compared to the overheat system from the first game which I think is also an improvement. In Mass Effect 2 you will hardly search for loot other than some elements and extra credits because instead of collecting equipments and parts for you to buy/sell you will be given a little bit of money after every mission for you to spend on upgrades which is good if you don't like to tinker with your inventory as much as you have in the first Mass Effect. The story is well written with so many memorable moments for you to sink your teeth into. BUT(and that's a big but) what I miss most about ME1 are the sidequests. Don't get me wrong, there are sidequests (assignments) in Mass Effect 2 positively much more than the first game but the sidequests that ME2 offers are no more than little fillers. It's just the basic swipe-everything-that-moves quest or go solo and activate/collect something quest. It's all well and good but it seems like after the removal of planet exploration (yes there's no more driving around looking for some treasure) they also choose not to put stories behind assignments and that for me is really a letdown. But nonetheless it's a very solid effort and one should never miss the chance to play this game.