I hope you like Sci-Fi.

User Rating: 8 | Mass Effect 2 X360
The thing about the Mass Effect series is, if you don't care for laser guns and sterile clean spaceships, you might not care too much for this game.

I played the first Mass Effect and I never felt that the game was gritty enough for me to really consider it one of the better games.

There is something about laser guns and spacesuits that just don't interest me very much and I believe that this is part of the problem.

The game is great, don't get me wrong. In fact, playing this game proves that you don't have to like sci-fi to enjoy an amazing sci-fi based game.

The storytelling alone and decision making leave me wanting more, however I felt that the finale was, once again, a total letdown.

All in all a good game, but.......


Some important characters end up dying, and once again its "Your Fault" about which ones end up dying. The ways in which they die are questionable seeing as a few bullets kill them after they managed to fight with you through countless other missions.

This really cheapens the game, and you left thinking the game just decided that someone had to go in order for you to feel emotional attatchment.