I first played mass effect on the xbox360 and instantly ghot hooked in the vast world and amazing story line. I was so amazed by the story line and gameplay i wanted more. I recently changed console and knew i was giving up on some great games until Bioware released news that mass effect 2 was coming to the ps3. Having purchased it i ran home to play it. Needless to say i was not disapointed! Its fantastic!
The gameplay has been made much easier. For example playing as an adept character is much easier. Biotic powers now seak out there target much better than before and also biotic powers can now be combined with the other characters. You can throw a pull biotic and another character will throw say a warp biotic to make a pull-warp combo which adds an element of tactics in battle. the weapons are much better this time around ( they was not bad in the first ) and its much easier to upgrade them.
The story! and what a story its is. Not giving away any spoilers its really good and once again throws you into saving mankind and meeting some fantastic characters along the way. Miranda being my favorite thus far ( greatsex scene too ha ha ha). The interaction between characters is great too, choosing the usual dilogue options (good and evil) determins the outcome of missions and the story aswel as how you complete missions will determine how people see you and how the end game plays out.
The game pretty much leaves you to find your own path in the galaxy exploring planets, finding upgrades, recruiting companions and completing missions etc. Its a little more linier this time around but thats not a bad thing. You always know where you are going and what needs to be done which is an improvement for me as in the first game it was sometimes not clear what you need to do for some missions.
There is the adition of new species (The Collectors) and the old return (The Geth etc). Those that played the original like me will understand this. If not dont worry. The ps3 versions comes with all released DLC and when you start the game comes with an interactive Digital commic which does a good job of explaining the story.
This game is for the gamers wanting more from a shooter than just shooting or RPG fans taking a break from the hardcore into something a little lighter but no less enjoyable. I would recommend this to anyone if you have played the first or not. ITS GREAT!!! Many thanks to the bioware team for bring this to the ps3! We need more games like this! If you dont like the look of it trust me give it a go.