ME2 flips the script on sci-fi cliche by using it as a backdrop to its strong personal narrative and strategic gameplay!

User Rating: 10 | Mass Effect 2 (French) PS3
Male Paragon Shepard: 60hrs
Female Renegade Shepard: 10hrs and going

-Personal Narrative
-Likeable Squadmates (except Kasumi)
-Loyalty Missions
-RPG Shooter
-Strategic gameplay
-Powerful Musical Score
-Talented Voice Acting
-Heavy Weight Decision Making
-Sweet Graphics
-Clear/Crisp Facial Animations
-Artistic Color Palette
-Limited RPG mechanics (tired of RPG leveling systems)
-Diverse in Every Way

-Legendary Enemy A.I. Aim
-Stiff Character Animations
-Few intsances of Poor lip-synching
-Voices sometimes cut-out
-Disrespectful load times
-ME2 free/explore world seems dead
-Kusami's Random Loyalty Mission

PS3 is my only console(by choice, not fanboy envy), but ME2's arrival last year (2010) had me tempted go dwon to my local Best Buy to place an order for both ME2 and an Xbox 360. Being smart, I didn't go through with this because buying another system for one game is a waste of money. Even though I made my mind up, I knew I needed to play Mass Effect 2. I don't care much for Star Wars and other nerdy sci-fi crap nerds bust nuts over, but I enjoy sci-fi themed movies and I also love story drvien video games. Knowing ME2 met both my preferences, I knew one day I would get my hands on it.

Anyway, a year later and a once Xbox exclusive is now sitting in my PS3 drive with good timing too. Thank god because ME2 is one of the best games this generation. The ME interactive comic brought me up to speed in a hurry, but extra reading in the Codex section helped me fully understand the Mass Effect universe. I don't care if PS3 doesn't get Mass Effect 1 because in my opinion, the comic did its job as I don't feel lost at all. Now on to this review.

Mass Effect 2's main story is cliche save the world from an alien species that wants to erase organic life for a mysterious reason. Blah Blah Blah. Is is interesting?...Hell Yes. Is it fresh?...Hell No Playing this game as a third person 'Save the World' shooter without paying attention to massive detail inside the powerful dialogue wheel and completing the thoughtful/creative loyalty missions (provided by your squadmates) is disrespectful to the developers and reckless on your part. As the Interactive Comic repeats, it's journey that matters not the finale. ME2 journey is deep, familiar, and thought provoking. Taking the time to assemble the 12 different squadmates Bioware has created and taking the time during downtime to understand them and their problems adds unmatched character to this universe. ME2 isn't a strong RPG, but by taking one of the strongest components in RPG (teammate buidling) and using it to orchestrate loyalty missions and combat, ME2 transforms itself into the definition BEAUTY.

The main story focuses on you stopping a weird race called the Collectors. The Collectors themselves are great antagonist as they're dark, scary, and tough. The main missions are full of some of the most fiercest combat ME2 has to offer. Tight quarter battles againt armored enemies in unfamiliar locations create intensity and the feeling of 'lost comfort'. ME2 succeeds in being a full fledged action game. It's play like a third person Bioshock with the ablity to slow down time and issue commands for both you and your teammates. You can only control 2 teammates at a given time or mission, but it works. The RPG element helps solve sticky situations as enemy A.I. have been trained by the CIA or something. These guys don't miss, thus pausing gameplay while choosing what action to take next by you or your teammate is crucial to surviving 'close to death' experiences. This helps prevent the game from heading down frustrating avenue because like I said...the enemies are perfect marksman.

Classes are broken up in everything you could imagine from engineers, soldiers, biotics, etc. I found the soldier to be the most effective as you are given the strongest arsenal as well as cool powers. I played as a full biotic for my second playthrough and fighting off swarms with a pistol and submachine gun just didn't do even if my powers were top notch. Playing as a solider allowed me to take advantage of gunplay while using my teammates biotic/tech powers as if they were my own. Allowing me to control my team and their powers never made me feel as if I was missing out on not trying a different class. Solider definetly makes the game easier in some instances, but playing as a biotic is fun as well just harder I guess. Either way, there is alot of variety in the gameplay. It's just not 'run n gun' or 'duck, cover, n shoot'. It's assessing the situation or mission, choosing the right squadmates, and executing a gameplan that keeps the whole team intact. It's deep, its fun, it changes the way we can play third person shooters. Even on my second playthrough nothing feels the same. There are so many ways to tackle combat and that in itself is hard to do nowadays. This leads to high replay value and there are few games I care to replay eagerly.

After you assemble about 6 teammates, the game can be completed as far as the main story goes, but playing it like this is pointless and the games can loose alot of luster. I assembled all 12 unique squadmates and with the exception of Kasumi, every squadmate stregthened the narrative immensely and the overall conclusion. There are 12 great loyalty missions combined with the actual 10 assembling missions (Zaeed and Kasumi are automatic teammates ). Together, all these missions produce the most diverse narrative/gameplay I have seen in a video game since Fallout 3. Each character is different from their outer makeup to their individual internal past. 10 of 12 squadmates feature their own unique non-mission dialogue in ship quarters and they all add to the breath of depth Bioware has created. Those 10 feature the best loyalty mission Each loyalty mission is beyond's damn near perfect. Every character has an heart and if you take the time to explore their life, you are sure to be deeply rewarded. Story junkies will eat this game up. Bei warned, DLC characters such as Kasumi and Zaeed aren't the best by any means, but the loyalty missions are fulfilling.

Talking about DLC. The two free packs inlcuded (Overlord and Shadow Broker) are damn near perfect. No need to explain either as they would call for spoilers, but I will say this...both are amazing, lengthy, and deep. Shadow Broker visually was shocking. This particular DLC takes advantage of ME2's graphical genius as far as effects go. Just like loyalty missions, thes DLC missions are up to you meaing you make the decisions.

This leads me the 'decision making' side of Mass Effect 2. Becasue I wasn't able use an import character from ME1 to ME2, I didn't get a chance to experience what Xbox owners were able too though the comic tried to replicate this. It worked to some extent, but I can tell some of the decisions I made in this game will have dire effects in Mass Effect 3. Towards the end, things really got intense and I found myself wondering what I would actually do in that situation. All in all, we live with our decisions on an everyday basis. I love that this factor is placed in RPG's and it's even better to know they will continue into the next game.

But is Mass Effect 2 a RPG?

I don't know and I really don't care. I have only played Fallout 3, Final Fantasy XIII, and Demons Souls. None of these play the same with Final Fantasy being the odd ball of the bunch. Mass Effect2 has a leveling system similiar to Bioshock. I loved this stripped down leveling becasue I got tired of choosing how many points to add to my dexerty in Demons Souls or Guns stats in Fallout 3. That is really annoyng, but fun, but still annoying if you get my drift. Mass Effects leveling system is simple and straight to the point. The way it should be. RPG or not...ME2 is great.

Okay, how about the graphics though?

So pretty much every mission in this game takes place in a different setting meaning no missions feels the same except for missions that have you facing familiar foes, but besides that every experience in this game felt genuinely new much like Uncharted. The graphics are clear as h*ll. You can tell this is a Unreal engine, but this is still a good looking game hands down. Aside from the stiff animations and sometimes poor lip-synching, this game is something to marvel at. ME2 doesn't dare place it's large feet in PS3 exclusive territory as far as graphics go, but when a game looks this good there is nothing to complain about. GOWIII, MGS4 and Uncharted 2 are unmatched, but ME2 looks better than Infamous, Heavy Rain, etc in my opinion. That's just me.

So how does Mass Effect 2 compare to established PS3 titles? (opinion-not fact)

PS3 only owners will scream Uncharted 2 (or MGS4) is/are the best game(s) this generation, but Xbox's once exclusive in my opinion reigns supreme over these titles. I freaking loved Uncharted 2 as nothing about it was flawed. Everything in that game was flawless from Drake's character to the outrageous setpieces and powerful music score. But at the end of the day, ME2 satisfies a sci-fi nerds dream as well as meeting the needs of someone who appreciates a well-delivered story. MGS4 comes from one of my favorite series which believes holds the best story in gaming history. With that said, MGS4 tends to drag out through long unneeded cutscenes and features alot of over dramatic Japanese oreinted moments. But all in all, MGS4 as a game doesn't compare to Mass Effect 2. Bioshock is a funa** game and if you turn that type of gamelay into a third person shooter it's still fun. MGS4 feautres a better and more original story, but ME2 has better gameplay. Uncharted has an entertaing story and rich in-your-face gameplay, but ME2 is deep, out of this world entertaing even without set pieces, and offers better value than both of the PS3 classics mentioned. Fallout 3 might be the only game in my opinion that matches ME2's WOW factor. Both MGS4 and Uncharted 2 are awesome and in my opinion are some of the best games this generation, but I hold Fallout 3 above both and if I find ME2 to be better than Fallout 3 well you can answer my proposed question yourself.

After putting 60hrs into Paragon Male Solider Shepard and continuing a Renegade Biotic B*tch Shepard (lol) campaign, I have come to one god-honest conclusion...ME2 deserved GOTY honors over Red Dead Redemption. RDR is more advanced technically and maybe even graphically, but overall ME2 provides a more action packed experience along with a stronger narrative and better supportive cast by far. Never once was I bored while playing ME2 compared to Red Dead Redemptions Mexico trip. Even the pointless Mining mini-game brought a smile to my face. I loved RDR, but Gamespot went overboard with favourtism. Is RDR a good choice for GOTY?...Yes, Is it my GOTY?...No ME2 takes that honor becasue let's face it, ME2 is original while familiar. The sci-fi setting is played out to a certain extent, more or less due to the fact that every game out right now is about sci-fi this or sci-fi that in a way, but adding character to characters in the sci-fi realm gave ME2 the depth this type of setting lacked in video game form.

Much like the cartoon Futurama, the sci-fi setting stregthens the overall value of the product. Futurama uses its sci-fi setting to provoke laughter while presenting themes that feel familiar to our society. ME2 uses sci-fi to provoke an emotional connection while presenting themes we can relate too. ME2 reworks cliche and turns it into a self provoking meaningful narrative while providing strong shooting mechanics that should leave most in "AWE". From beginning to end...I had a smile on my face. The overall main story is cliche superficially, but the 'under-lying behind scene' pieces (loyalty missions) that lead up finale make it far from cliche. The main story is cliche in presentation, but it's actually deeper than an outsider would believe.

Mass Effect 2 is a game that deserves to be played. It's mature while being juvenile in theme. Meaning the story is boy hood fantasy while providing a complex emotional interconnected narrative that justifies your reasoning in fighting for all life in the universe against the dark Collectors. Mass Effect is deeper than most would expect. Much like Kobe Bryant, ME2 came out of nowhere and took over the game. Kobe Bryant's evolved into a great player by taking familiar moves and executing them in Kobe Bryant fashion giving him the star quality he has today. And well, Mass Effect 2 took cliche and Bioware produced a classic.

10/10 (Legit)