Not as good as expected. However, I enjoyed playing it.
My impressions were:
1) too short for the money. I agreed with some of the members that wrote me.
2) too easy. I didn't get all the achievement, however, I think it is easy to beat it.
3) Great addition to link MS2 to MS3. This DLC makes you want for more... I am awaiting for playing the next installment.
4) Not as good as previous DLC. There is an "I do not know what" messing in this one. However, I enjoyed playing this DLC. Sometimes a short game that gives a good experience is needed when time to play is lack.
Even though this DLC is expensive for what it is, it just is, and if you like Mass effect world, it is a must play.
Thanks for reading.
Hope this review likes more in order to avoid be "BANNED" again.