Mass effect 2 is an ok overhyped RPG

User Rating: 3 | Mass Effect 2 X360

Story: The plot of the game is okish. It starts out with you commander shepard dying. Although the way in wich this is presented in the game is some what epic, exciting, and full of explosions. The idea it's self is preaty generic and uninteresting. After this your brought back to life by some people called cerberus. Wich then tell you that human colonist are disapearing and they need your help to find them and such.From here you look for the colonist and stuff and eventually you find out ther being taken by some race called the collectors and that the collectors are the ones who killed you and that you have to go into a hazardous part of space and kill them and blow up there big bace an kill them via going on a Suicide mission and killing them. blah blah blah...

All sounds well and fun right? NO!!! first off let's start with the ending. The whole game revolves around a "were did the colenest go?" mystery. And if your like me your actually going to care about this mystery. But at the end of the game don't expect an actual conclusion to this nooo that'd be far to difficult. Instead expect a half baked explanation, that they were building a giant metal humaniond robot wich for some reason absoloutly HAS to run on human organic matter. want a reason for why they needed this human organic matter? to bad.Atleast fighting him will be preaty cool right :D? also most the game dosn't even protain to the fore mentioned plot.there are only like 7 or 8 missions/quest that have anything to do with it. Most the game is about gathering your crew. There are 10 squad mates wich you have to fly around the galaxy and collect. Honestly this plot feels really stupid to me. The whole idea of a game about actually going to a place to do nothing more than collect your compainans so they can help you on like one or two times. Apart from that almost half of the game is devoted to the stupid retorical loyalty missions in wich you go and help these squad mates with each of the own little issues. And if your like me your gona be like well i'll get all the little SIDE bs out the way so i can continue with the actual MISSION. Only to discover that there isn't much to the actual MISSION and that all that SIDE bs was actually the majority of the game. Though the squad mates you actualy pick up are some preaty deep characters. Apart from there voice acting it's not that far from any other great rpg.

Gameplay: now that were done with all that let's get to what really maters. At it's best ME2 i a bearable to good tps. Usually you'll be fighting standerd foot soilders with guns that feel kind of weak for the most part, and using you powers on your enimies. Though some of the powers like turning your eniemes on each other are kind of fun others are preaty lame. Like all the biotic powers. Wich bassicaly all have the same cunky knock down effect. Were the eniemes just ethier die, or unless you knock them over a ledge or something just sorta weakly knocks them of there feet then you have to annoyingly and slowy tacticaly AIM you gun at them and shoot before they get back up. these are just some complaints, There also the linear missions, the areas that seem open but there really isn't anything to do in them besides generally very boring side missions or shop at one of the worthless stores, the stupid mini games like hacking and probing that you do way too often, the irelivent upgrades system that was bassically just slaped in to make it seem like looting is still important, and the sometimes anoying dialogue system. All make the game sort of crapy. The most apealling thing about the game is it's graphics wich are preaty amazing.

Verdict:Although i sort of hated on it here ME2 isn't all THAT bad of a game. Some of the shoot outs are preaty fun, and the characters and universe can be interesting. It's just sort of anoying when people hold it as the holy grail of modern games. It isn't all THAT good of a game either. A simular yet far superior use of your time and money would be Kotor. Even if you have kotor and have beatin it mutiple times playing it again would be a beter way to spend your time than this.

Edit (april 2015) since writing this at the juicy age of 14yr old boy, i have changed my opinion of this

for the worse

i now actually regularly consider it the worst game i've ever played.

when i wrote this my score was a 6 and a decimal point

now its a 3 or something i guess