Patrice Evra is in it.

User Rating: 9.5 | Mass Effect 2 X360
A huge move forward his game, advanced, technical and ambitious.

Embracing a massive galaxy and interesting storyline with exceptionally believable characters and mood. This game delivered on every level, taking the fantasy adventure books from when i was a kid to a whole new level. Turn to page 62 if you wish to fight the Krakon, Turn to page 142 if you wish to use magic...etc.

So not only do you have an immersive world but also a very clever option wheel for weapons and team commands, each member of your individually selected team brings different abilities, from telekinesis to brutal force. These are intuatively controlled by the aforementioned option wheel. Very satisfying.

The richness of the environments keeps you interested throughout and the mining of outlaying planets is something you will find neccessarily addictive.

This one will run and run.