Mass Effect 2, now with less MSG... I mean RPG.

User Rating: 7.5 | Mass Effect 2 X360
Humans and politics in a more sci-fi context. Mass Effect 2 is an action RPG, thats very lite on the RPG elements. (a backstep from its successor) You play as Commander Shepard, a uni-sex charcter who you pick gender features and everything you would expect from your standard create a character interface, on a mission to save the universe from a dark and ancient evil. Pretty standard for the sci-fi genre but whats not is the level of detail and back story. The amount of detail in the universe is beyond the average hackneyed sci-fi story being matched only by great sci-fi classics such as Star Wars or Star Trek. For those who haven't played the original (my self included) they'll give clear accounts of past events through out the game, but as with any sequel without playing the first some of the significance will be lost. But fortunatety it won't detract from the experience.

Visuals are clear with no major flaws in graphics, sound is equally pleasing. With little to say in the graphics and sound deaprtments, its a good thing overall. I'm a stickler for polish in these departments and as of right now no complaints. The environments are detailed and alien making you want to explore... how ever your path is linear with no deveation or alternate paths to venture down. (invisible walls galore) Character animations are little stiff and faces of human characters are rather drab and lifeless.

One huge shortcoming which lowers the score sub 8 is the combat and controls. The controls leave much to be desired but I guess fit the gameplay. Combat has less to do with the skill of players and more to do with a stat tree and playing defensively till you whittle your opponent down. Exciting it is not. It lacks the addictive gameplay you'd expect from todays top shooters and becomes repititious quickly.

On a few occasions you'll find your character levatating (literally) or other rare glitchs that'll turn a good long play thru to a painful mecry kill since if it glitches you'll have to restart. (save often)

Overall shallow gamers need not apply and should stick to a casual MP shooter. This game is for the core gamers who miss good games with good story and charcters. If your a MP heavy person stick to your shooter of choice and don't mind this series. For those who like deep single player games...well chances are you've already played this. To those willing to give it a chance. Do just that, give it a chance.
I did and I wasn't disappointed.