travels to space with commander shepard

User Rating: 9 | Mass Effect 2 PC
I always dreamed of being astronout that's my main reason why i like this game. Exploring outer space ,discovering some strange things .Some places is just creative designed like omega and illium ,very imaginative and creative.

for the weapon, not much variation , you can upgrade it in your research lab,but i feels i didn't need to because the veteran difficulty is just normal,not hard for me.

Your companions/followers have many interesting background like thane a quiet and religious assasins.Do your companions quest is interesting ,more interesting than the main quest i'd say.but the side quest was too little ,not much ,i like games that have a tons of side quest

the enemy can be frustated if they coming to you, behind or beside your cover.
For the skills i think bioware should develop more skills,not just throw ,overload ,etc.