If a games company made a game to ruin the mass effect series, ME3 would be it.
The good things about this game are the improved combat and more weapons, more character appearence customization, slightly improved graphics, and a half-decent multiplayer.
But the bad..
For some reason, they've almost completely taken the RPG essence of the series out of this game. Whereas in the previous games you had 3 or 4 dialogue choices in every conversation or situation, you now only ever have 2, and the 2 nearly always have the same outcome, just a slightly different way of getting there. And ontop of that, there is also less opportunities to make decisions in dialouge. Sometimes there is dialogue for 5 minutes straight and you don't make any decisions at all, the game makes them for you. RPG? I don't think so. I swear the writers must of changed. Because mass effects gone from amazing writing that could be made into a novel.. To corney action FPS writing, this is not an exaggeration.
Also, the characters in this game... The new characters in this game are just boring. The ones who have returned return well even though there are less opportunitys for interaction with them, but the new ones are just uninteresting. Like James, some hench guy who you talk to from time to time about his personal life and it's just a bore. But onto the thing that really ruins this game, the ending... ( no spoilers )
The finale, the climax of the series. When the game nears the end, it just gets worse and worse and worse, in every aspect. The writing goes from bad... to just abysmal. There are contradictions 100 fold. Things that just can't happen if your abiding by the same ruled mass effect has done. But the actually ending.. words cant describe the dissapointment. All the choices in all the games, mean nothing.. You will get the same ending (or extremely minor variation) no matter what you've done. All the characters you've come to care for, nothing you've done can change the ending. And the ending doesn't make sense, some things that go on are hypocritical and couldn't possibly happen ( i suggest you watch angryjoe's video on it on youtube ). And it's just a bad ending.
Mass effect 1 and 2 were revolutionary, ME3 was terrible. If you have played through all the mass effect games then you should feel the same. ME3 is a good game if you've never played mass effect before and you just want a 3rd person shooter.
Mass Effect 3: 6/10