Not the best of the mass effect series
The game starts off with planet earth being attacked by the Reapers, you'll remember them from ME2 if not a quick recap. The Reapers are a race that aim to destroy everything and are extremely powerful and as it stands cannot be destroyed.
If you remember ME2 had a weird control scheme with no controller support, the same is for ME3. Playing a 3rd person shooter with a keyboard and mouse is not the best way to do it.
This review focuses on the single player mode, as that is what ME is all about.
So the gameplay feels exactly like ME2, in fact it definitely does not feel like a new game, and I haven't played ME2 since it came out, the graphics are good but again they seem like ME2. Like ME2 you can choose various classes, depending on what you want such as vanguard, soldier etc. I personally like soldier as there is no need for bio power bollocks. I have put a video of snips of some gameplay, more to come.
In terms of AI, the AI I'm afraid is rubbish, they stop running in battle, the massive bosses are easily beaten, and it's highly predictable. EA does what they do with Fifa same crap, different game name. Pity bioware fell through here. If you have a look at the gameplay you'll see how dumb the AI is, and no it's not on easy.
However that being said its not a bad game, it's just a carry on of ME2. Now if you've never played any mass effects you won't be too disappointed.
For us PC gamers who WASTED money on a DX11 card, yes this is another game that fails to provide DX11 at this time, although that being said I believe the reason for that is the Unreal Engine just started supporting DX11. However it does have a physx file so I'm assuming it has physx.
The purchasing in game is the same as ME2, where you can buy ships, armor etc. The way you customize your armor, colors etc is the same as ME2.
Final Verdict: Mass effect 3 is not a bad game, but it has been favored with reviewers (which is why I started this site). To me it's disappointing in terms of the A.I and how it's almost a carbon copy of ME2, the control scheme would be forgivable if this was an amazing game, sadly it's not. It is worth playing through a couple of times using different classes. If you have a console it's definitely worth a rental, definitely not worth paying full price for.