Mass effect trilogy the last but dam what story, it's like breaking up with your ex and praying why it had end.

User Rating: 8.5 | Mass Effect 3 PS3
Years ago there was savior for humanity, that persons name was commander shapard. with uncertainty on prime and becon left behind by prothians, a distant race spanning back 50.000 years in galaxy.

Shepard becon light and hope saved many


He even saved those he loved while cheating on liara t'soni for Steve Cortez. while 1 year passed by; liara never really grasped true reason why things crumbled between them.

As scientist working aboard normandy. she knew her place and excepted her position as shadow broker but there were times they still felt something between each other, but after Matriarch Benezia; liara's mother, shepard couldn't bear the insanity her mother had become indoctrinated under reapers.... so he left.

While Commander shepard always wondering those he hurt in past would effect him in present and those who stopped sovereign would shoulder the brunt for when those days come when collectors arrive. But saving "arachni" in process

With regret and taste burnt ash shepard looks on out towards stars, thinking about what's to come, Kaidan Alenko explaining why all must come to end and then decides once again except the fate install for them.

Vega trys debating with Garrus whose mightier then pen, but suddenly notice doctor Chakwas screaming at them, yelling: go hunt some geth go do something.

With the tension on board the normandy Admiral Steven Hackett addresses shepard to comms room for debriefing.

Kaidan i gotta go speak soon ok, sure commander.

Joker screams: commander cortex wishes to speak with you in private.

Rex laughs at idea....humans.

Game play:

Simplified and action orientated. control schemes less complex then before with no inventory, that's actually bad because your most likely make mistakes along way. when starting mission and deciding bionic class or sentinal class or any class that's not soldier class will impact your game dramatically more then previously before in me2 or me1, like being unable dispose weapons indicating u'll need restart mission again or pray another gun u'll find along the way will give you the option in accessing inventory.

Apart from that it's exactly the same mass effect 2 except decisions are most likely based on 2 factors:


Sound: Musical score in mass effect's no doubt best u'll get yet creepy but tranquil sad and invigorating like voice acting really superb well obviously with a class celebrity's, while that's fine and dandy it's the musical chorus i loved.

Authenticity deals insane, while game may not fall in pc graphics territory like dx11enabled games but creative talent who worked on this project are talented no doubt.

Best single player story line iv'e enjoyed since mass effect 2, engaging dialog, emotional journey like in heavy rain.

No inventory, no weapon sheathing, explorations non existent, linear game play makes this traditional rpg and more action orientated, endings are equivalent braking up with ex you loved seriously it's painful but joyful at same time, i guess no body knows when end arrives till it hit's you in head.