A great ending to a great series!!

User Rating: 8 | Mass Effect 3 PS3
Many people were upset at this game. I however did not find it disappointing in the slightest. It was a solid game that brought the series to a great ending. The graphics them self were very well done. However there were plenty of times were there was poor texture pop in and the to many times the frame rate dropped to low. This shows that EA and Bioware were under pressure to finish the game before launch date. I also ran across a few script glitches that caused me to restart a level. This is just sloppy. The game mechanics were very well made. The only problem was sometimes Shepard just wants to stick to all the walls. This can be aggravated at times when you are running and gunning. However this is a common complaint when it comes to cover based shooters. The story brought everything together in a full circle ending. While many people thought that the ending was terrible I personally found it to be very poetic and well done. Now time for my rant. I absolutely hate EA games for not releasing the whole story. In order to get a true picture of what happened you need to buy the DLC pack, From Ashes. This is terribly wrong of EA. They should get in trouble for making customers pay for the whole game. Never should you release half of a game. Whoever the greedy person is who thought this up deserves to be fired from his job. EA you should never bite the hand that feeds you. In this case don't piss off your customers.Other than those problems mass effect 3 is a great game that has a great story.