The game we've all been waiting on doesn't quite have an end... In fact it has a finish, like Cloverfield.

User Rating: 8.5 | Mass Effect 3 PC
For starters, I wan't you to add up all the time you spent levelling up your character. Then all the time you spent chatting with your crew. Then all the time you spent accumulating credits to buy armor and weaponry. Then I want you to imagine an evil demon named Bio Ware that takes all that time and shoves it up your arse in a matter of minutes. This is what the end of the Mass Effect trilogy does. So far does it shove all those hours that it really begins to hurt in your gut. One cutscene. That's all Bio Ware could do. In the second game there were numerous scenes at the end showing the only survivors who made it out of the Suicide mission. It could have been one or the entire team. The fact is that the end for Mass Effect 3 is just lazy. Not an end even as it has no "closure" as many have stated. I thereby declare it a finish, not an end.

Now with that out of the way, it is obvious that this is the best Mass Effect game in the trilogy. Although the narrative is weak and cliche, the entire plot is that they found an ancient superweapon shaped like a bong that can wipe out the Reapers, nothing interesting here. This is Bio Ware at it's absolute best. Where as Shepard could barely poke his head out of cover in the previous games, now he is rolling and bouncing and gliding between walls and crates. It is truly magnificent to roll into a room and set a dude on fire than snipe his face resulting in an explosion of the head. Yes their heads explode OMGLOL Dat is AWSUM GUYZ. The RPG elements are still not as heavy as the first game but in my opinion that was a smart move. There is little new weaponry and biotic powers which is a tad disappointing.

Warning, if your looking for a deep conversation scene fully equipped with choice and varying reactions from characters then DO NOT BUY THIS GAME. There is little conversation anymore with the occasional chat. Instead it just plays out a scripted conversation. Doesn't even go into cinematic view. On several occasions I yelled: MY SHEP WOULDN'T SAY THAT!!! But on the conversation went. The only time you could actually choose what to say was if you were investigating something or a major plot decision. That may be exaggerating a bit but it is pretty accurate.

Bio Ware has announced a DLC to fixy up the little problems at the finish (fixy is a word get over it). I hope it at least gives a little more insight into the aftermath of the games finish. All in all this game is Bio Wares swan song. The elements from ME1 and ME2 are beautifully merged together and are moulded into an ice sculpture of utter magnificence. But towards the end it does what most ice sculptures would do and melts. By the end it's just a filthy puddle on your living room floor.