An epic conclusion to one of the word's best tales!
Audio: Absolutely amasing job in music, the soundtrack and voice acting is to a professional level!
Gameplay: It lacks a bit of depth because once again companies try to simplify the RPG style to attract more crowd (especially young crowd), don't expect the RPG depth of ME1 or 2. Don't expect the epic speeches of ME2. Expect though a very fun gameplay with the difficulty of your choice and many moments where your choice will make the difference in the story!
Story: Absolutely amazing , like in all series! In this final conclusion you try to defeat the repears, who have finally arrived and save the galaxy once and for all! Much have been heard about ME3's ending but i believe it is the right conclusion, you are left with no more to expect and (aside some things that are left untold) you are fulfilled and sad in a good way!
Along with the other 2 members of the Mass Effect family, the whole trilogy will make you remember them for a long long time! PC games haven't lost their touch in the soul yet!
Bravo Bioware.
e.g. Be aware the game needs EA's Origin in order to play! Yes EA tried to destroy Mass Effect as well, but don't be afraid the game is so good you'll forget all about EA and origin!