Even more extended things about the Mass Effect Universe, Just like what I wanted.
User Rating: 9.5 | Mass Effect 3: Leviathan X360
After seeing the Extended Cut I stopped my hype from ME3 and waited for this DLC, I played it twice now. I can say that having moderate amount of action and more Story telling is kinda thrilling too. although I was kinda bored when most of the stuff are investigating and narrowing down information. but that part is also interesting. it makes you think more about the thing that Shepard was searching. The action is still classic, the one I'm more hyped about is the last part. where Shepard finds more about the Reapers and gets more fighting force against them. although the Leviathan isn't really in Shepard's side, they just fought by side due to the same goal, The death of the Reapers. but the Leviathan got more nasty plans after that, can't say more. can't risk about too much spoilers like the last time I reviewed a Mass Effect game. anyway, The news weapons like the AT-Raider and M55-Argus are cool even though it kinda saddens me to know that Pre-order Clients suppose to have those as exclusive. but I'm still happy I got the two items, especially the AT-Raider, I heard it was only for PC before, hahaha not today pal. so everything is good, no crappy stuff. this is just a DLC all about, I dare say it's as good as Lair of the Shadow Broker from Mass Effect 2.
I give 9.5/10