I enjoy becoming immersed vicariously through the character I create in RPG's, this is impossible for me in Andromeda due to the woeful character creation module. Developers just need to look at games like Skyrim and more recently Fallout 4, then at the number of downloads for mods related to character creation to realise the importance RPG players place on their character's appearance.
I have only completed one play-through on easy, to familiarise myself with the combat system and general game play. I found the combat to be more intense than the Trilogy, but with only three skills available during an encounter, very repetitive e.g. deploy turret, incinerate/overload combo, fire gun until skills become available. I'm not playing on a console, so I expect keys 1-0 to be available for binding skills.
The final objective of the game was rather murky, at first I thought it was adding colonies ad infinitum until all the stasis population could be accommodated, and making the worlds 100% inhabitable. The myriad of side quests with high time investment/low rewards further helps cloud this issue. At one stage I looked in the journal under the heading Additional Tasks to find a massive list of things I had no idea how they got there, nor where or how to complete them. Thus making this game a Completionist's nightmare.
The massive crafting system is very good, unfortunately it only benefits the player character. The RPG aspect of partially modifying your squadmates' loadouts, put back in Mass Effect 3, has once again been removed. I don't know if it is a bug or intentional, but I'm now quite a few hours in a normal level playthrough (Level 15) and the number of mods for guns I've found is significantly lower than what I received on an easy level playthrough, e.g. No AR receivers or scopes.
There's been a lot of talk about how buggy the game is, on my first playthrough I came across nothing that was game breaking. I had one CTD, but fairly sure that was caused by finger trouble with me and my mechanical keyboard.
The above comments have been fairly negative, however I think this game has potential and with a little perseverance, will grow on me. My real hope is that the developers do completely revamp the character creation module and bring it up to a standard expected of a AAA game.