Seriously, I'm not even gonna get into all the stupid banter about animations. ME2 and ME3 also had them and lots of people love it. The problem with Andromeda it's... well... everything. Where to start? Not even gonna try. I'll just point the highlights of badness for those familiar with the series:
Terrible writing.
Ships can now move between clusters without the need of mass relays, no explanation given. All very basic and generic. Space magic.
Terrible story.
Forgetable characters (to the point you'll end up wishing you could take some NPC's instead).
Only 3 powers usable in single player ( to make it samey with MP).
No team customization.
Complete lack of personality from top to bottom. - characters, weapons, maps, and story, all have a tremendous lack of it.
You'll hear combat it's the best. It's not. It turns the game into a run-of-a-mill generic action shooter EA branded. There's no tactical sense. No team ordering other than position. (no aim at enemies or or use team powers)No team customization.
It's all based on having lots of weapons, all generic and samey, and making the most basic power combos from previous games the main focus. You can only use 3 even on Single player. So it's one to set it and one to detonate it. Fire+overload or biotic+trow or pull. Your not gonna waste 1 of 3 slots with powers that don't detonate, so they are almost gone.
There's no actual cover, or key for it. Characters auto squeeze against things when close enough in a way you're never really in cover, to force movement. Add to the mix some jetpacks. So.... a generic action-shooter with a ME visual dressing. Or if you prefer (sad to say it) inquisition in space. Because that's exactly what it is. Same big generic maps. Same obsession with generic search and grab quests to keep you busy on those generic maps. Same weak and forgetable plot.
My advice: if your a fan of the original trilogy stay away from it, unless your a masochist.