Now to the graphics, there good really good but when it comes to planets there barren and pretty much all the same except for the main 4 or 5 you go to asking me the game could have been worked on a bit here in variation. Other than the lack of difference between different things these graphics are amazing and few can compete with it. The space ships pro, the buildings pro, the characters pro, graphics pro i think i got my point across.
The gameplay is well nothing really new and is where the Kotor really shows. Other than the modifying of the turnbased combat to real time id say its the same. Level you get skills, use skills, upgrade equipment and carry on to save the universe. Yah yah yah same old same old but since they did change the combat system ill talk about it. First off it uses a shooter system which is relativly good somewhat basic but it all works, the more you shoot the more recoil you get and your guns overheat not really any aiming problems here so they did a pretty good job. Speaking off the shooting system theres 4 types of weapons pistol, rifle, shot gun, and sniper rifle if your like me youl find the assualt rifle the gun your using most often.
Now characters you got a bit of choice here. you got your normal skills such as more health and strength but there are other skills suh as hacking ability and biotic skills, hacking being stealth and stealing like skills, and biotic is what i would call phychic sorta skills. lastly theres weapon profeciency skills that make you more accurate and do more damage. You level up and choose your path like any other good rpg as you level your skill you get speciel abillities such as creating a sheild around yourself or going on a rampage. You also get a team as you meet new characters in the story which you also customize.
Well that pretty much covers the game in a nutshell so i suggest you get it if your into this game unless you played it at a friends or somethen than i wouldnt really worry about it. My final verdict is try it out than buy it if you like it a 8.5 outta 10