The next level in the Role Playing Game experience. Technical issues aside, this is an amazing game.
HIGH POINTS: First, the story. The story is very compelling and keeps you attached to the characters and the crisis at hand. I do have some beef with a couple of the story elements, but I will address that later. Overall, the universe created by this game is compelling and certainly on par with Star Wars and the like. Conversation choices are fun, and situations are involving and entertaining. Second, the graphics are amazing. Yes, the texts are slow loading at times, but once they fully load, the detail is amazing. Third, the open nature of the game is amazing. Being an astronomy nut myself, the fact that you can travel to different "Solar Systems" and see different planets that have there own stories and ecologies was a lot of fun for me and surely for anyone else interested in the same type of stuff. There are several other high points involved with this game, but I won't waste your time going over each one. Suffice it to say, this game is awesome.
LOW POINTS: I guess I could bring up the tech issues, like everyone else would, but that was not one of the major low points for me. The slow loading textures are a problem, but not so much so as to detract from the overall experience. One issue I have is the fact that the story grides to a halt in the middle of the game. If you engage in any amount of side missions at all (which you should if you want to fully experience the Mass Effect universe) you could go anywhere between 8-10 hours or more without any story development. Saren (the antagonist) just fades out until the end of the game, and this hurts the gravity of the final conflict. Second, elements of the combat are weak. Now, let me preface this by saying that I am very glad that they decided to us real time combat in this game, and for the most part, all things considered, it is implemented well. Its not halo, but what do you expect? You are playing an RPG, not a shooter. However, it is impossible to hold ANY Ground in a fight. You can take the automatic rifle and just LAY on the trigger, and an enemy (in the higher difficulty levels especially) will just run through the bullets and right to your position. There is no knock back, and the damage done by the weapons is not enough to kill them before they get to you position. I mean, come on, if I was pumping someone (something?) full of high-velocity slugs, they should get knocked back to some degree. But no, it feels like you are firing a Nerf cannon full of Skittles at an elephant. No effect. Certainly not "Mass" effect....okay, that was dumb. Sorry, back to business.
THE SCOOP: This is a great game. I have no doubt that the sequel will only improve upon the small issues of this game. Any one who is a fan of space dramas and interstellar warfare will definitely enjoy this one. The story is great (when it is going) and most elements are either performed well or with small issues. Overall, this game is a complete must play.