There are so many things one could say about Mass Effect, how unique it is or how amazing it is ...or how brilliant or well done it is, it is undeniable all the great things this game has got going for it. First off: the story. Before the game begins you are given many options of how to customize your character (like all of their face features, eye color, as well as their preferred field style). When the story kicks off it really do's put you right into the situation, Saren, aka the antagonist, is going to destroy a planet by the name of Eden Prime by launching some sort of ancient alien artifact, and it is your job to stop him, although things go wrong and it doesn't work out as planned. I'm not going to spoil anything for you so I'm just going to keep this review simple, mostly due to the fact that their are some gamers who might not have played this stunning masterpiece yet. The story leads you and your ally's across the galaxy in an attempt to stop Saren from completing his ultimate plan of wreaking havoc on the universe, it sounds like a very simple dull story, but the way that everything unfolds in this spectacular journey that you will have is just pure brilliance. If you have not played this then give it a try, because when it comes to massive choose making games ...this is right behind the original Deus Ex. Overall a game that no gamer should be without ...its absolutely stunning.
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