You get a house.

User Rating: 4.5 | Mass Effect: Pinnacle Station X360
I bought this the day it came out and I was very excited because there hasn't been any new ME content since Bring Down The Sky. If your a hard-core ME fan then you'll probably get this just for something new to do. But if your not then there really isn't any real reason to buy this. I heard a rumor that the only reason Bioware released this was an alternate way to start the second game or something like that. At the End of Pinnacle station as an award for finishing all the challenge levels and the end bonus level you are awarded a house on a local planet in the area that the station is located in. The house itself is pretty bare with stations to restock your grenades and med-gel. The only other features of the house besides the cool interior and view outside of the windows is a music player ,hat sadly plays the elevator music from the game, is a computer terminal that gives you access to 3 suppy cruisers. Each one charges you a certain ammount to contact them and if you do, depending on the ship, gives you an item. Yes, one item. theres the cheap ship, the moderately-priced ship and the pricy ship. The only one you'd be concerned about is the expensive ship because it gives you level X items. But if your lke me your probably on playthrough #5 by now. I mean, the games been out long enough, you've had plenty of time to finish it multiple times by now.

Ok. House aside, the modes are fun enough to play. There is Survival, Hunt, Time Trial, and Capture. Survival is really the only mode I had fun playing. Mainly because thats the only mode where the timer counts up instead of down. If your havn't guessed by now you just have to survive for as long as possible. I enjoyed finding a easily defendable spot on the map and then bunkering down while endless waves of Geth decended upon me. of course I beat the mode with a time WAY past the best time set by the game. I played all the modes on Hardcore by the way.

A problem you might have with this DLC is the length. Even playing on Hardcore I beat it in about maybe an hour 1/2. All the rest is great like characters, voice acting, graphics, and the like. Its not like they'd change any of that but I'm just trying to pick all the good stuff out of this. Um, you get to have a conversation with 3 people, you get 3 achievements from it, the Salarian in charge of the challenges is cool, the final challenge is uh, acctually challenging (but not by much), and its all replayable. Yeah. I gave it the score i did for everyone else but truthfully I'd buy anything Bioware released for this game of theirs. It would be better if they added some new weapons or armor to go along with it but its ok as it is considering its NEW ME CONTENT!

Bottom line: Buy if your a fan of the game. Don't if your not.