Mass Effect has the right effect...
Graphically the game like so many others on the 360 is superb and shows off the power of the next gen consoles with fantastic looking large areas such as the citadel and open ground on alien planets. However the cut scenes and chat scenes are where the game shows off its true power in the graphics department. However this aspect of the game is not totally perfect because the game can suffer frame rate issues due to the graphics and they could of used a little bit more variety for planets and buildings/ships for side missions.
The game is just as stellar for sound with a wonderful collection of musical scores, which are good enough to be in Hollywood box office movies. Acting wise the characters all sound good and its hard to find out any weakness in the voice actors used. My only gripe is that weapon noise could sound a little better but that's only a very minor issue and takes away nothing from the whole audio experience that Mass Effect delivers.
Bioware carries on the good work by successfully mixing RPG elements with FPS elements to deliver some of the best gameplay ever seen in a game to date. While there may be better shooting engines out there, Mass Effect's certainly holds it own and with the ability to pause so you can plan out your attacks, the action is always enjoyable and keeps you coming back for more. Also using words to defuse tense situations in the conversation scenes are just as rewarding as using your guns. Customising your squad adds more depth to the gameplay and allows you to prepare for any situation you may face. Combat is simple to handle but never to easy and using the biotic powers to lift and throw your enemies never gets boring. However there are some issues in the gameplay, mainly with the MAKO sections due to it being a little uneasy to handle at times though with time it can grow on you.
The AI is the weakest part of Mass Effect but I wouldn't call it bad, just not as impressive as other areas of the game. Your own team can handle themselves well and use biotic powers smartly, plus they are good shots so it feels like you are actually part of a team and not just dragging dead weight along with you. However they have the habit of running off during combat and not always listening to orders, which can lead to frustrating times. Also why I would not call the enemy AI dumb, I would say they could be smarter but they can surprise you at times and the enemy can use Biotic powers quite well to give you a problem.
The biggest plus of this game is the overall value of Mass Effect, as with so many side missions the entire game can take over 35 hours to complete and for the most part, the side quests are enjoyable and with the XP level up system they are very rewarding to take on and complete. The main plot is fantastic and is easily one of the best written plots from any SCI FI theme game. Despite having no multiplayer, the game has huge re-playable value due to there being more than one way to complete missions and how your character can evolve over the course of the game. The announcement that Mass Effect 2 will be shaped by how you play this game gives Mass Effect a huge amount of overall value and desire to complete the game more than once to choose, which one you prefer best.
Despite some minor issues and bugs, Mass Effect is not only one of the best games in recent times but of all time and must be played by any 360 owner in my opinion