Despite the welcoming streamlined squad interface and inventory outline, Mass Effect really has me baffled at why some people (*cough* Xbox360 gamers *cough*) regard it as one of the 'best RPG of all time'. If you expected Fable in space or Oblivion with aliens, you;re in for a shock. The plot itself, concerning the invasion of a hostile ancient alien race, is nothing short of a C-grade Sci-Fi story which I personally regard as the most overrated aspect of the game. Its a great Space Opera played out to the effect that keeps the player in anticipation for a dramatic climax...which came so quickly (and not as dramatic as I had hoped), I was angry enough to reload a previous save file to finish my side-quests. Yes, Mass Effect is an extremely short title, clocking in at around 12~15 hours max for the main plot (the main quest covers only six missions) after which you cant return to complete all the side-quests. It felt as if Bioware ran out of production time, $$$ or the HD space to accomplish a decent main plot. It felt as if the studio sacrificed it all for the dozens of side-quests (many of them just as mediocre as the main plot i.e. UNC side-quests. Driver buggy to generic, recycled building on barren, low-res landscape. Go into building, Kill everything. Get something/Talk to someone to finish quest. Rinse and repeat...) and terrific dialogue interactions & marvellous voice-acting. The interactions between the main character (Shepherd) and any creature he/she meets is perhaps the main reason Mass Effect was able to shine. The ability to choose your response before the character on screen implements it showcases some of the most convincing, film-like character interactions EVER in gaming. This, along with the brilliant and addictive squad controls, cover-and-shoot Gears of War style FPS gameplay are the only reasons that it's worth a look. If you are sick of the open world, sand-box RPGs out there and wish to try something fresh that doesn't involve orcs or mutants, Mass Effect should be included on your next shopping list. Or just skip the crap and get Mass Effect 2 instead. THAT'S the game this game should've been.
What do you get when you marry the basic elements of an RPG with the compelling combat of a third person shooter and support it with a storyline that's worth a novel and cool graphics? Mass Effect, of course. Bioware has... Read Full Review
*Intro* Rated:18+-Mature Viewer disscresion is advised :) Note:This is a work in progress i might update later,though i doubt it... Im a lazy bastard! If this game was a woman,i would soooo do her! Im not... Read Full Review