Read on to find out how Mass Effect made me a sci-fi and space adventure fan!
Bioware's Mass Effect tells that story of Commander Shepard, who sets out on an space adventure to track a rogue Spectre called Saren. Bioware has managed to create a compelling sci-fi world, full of interesting races, planets and locations to visit. The world is so rich, so intriguing that one could spend a tremendous deal of time learning more and more about it. The story is well-paced and very engaging – all thanks to the movie-like visuals the game introduces. The characters Shepard meets are interesting and well-developed. 8/10
Mass Effect has outstanding visuals. Textures are high-resolution, cutscenes – stunning and the interactive dialogs – flawless. The space scenery is jaw dropping. 9.5/10
Sound/Voice Acting
Mass Effect features very appropriate synthetic and electronic ambient soundtrack, intermingled with great sound effects. The voice acting is top-notch and one of the best I have heard in a video game. 10/10
Mass Effect is primarily a role-playing game with cover-based shooting mechanics. There is a whole deal of characters modifications available, from what kind of character the player wants to be (good or bad morals) to what skills and what classification is desired. Exploring planets and completing extra side missions could be very rewarding and addicting. As Commander Shepard you guide a team of two other companions, so team-based gameplay is very important. 8.5/10
I cannot believe I almost missed out on Mass Effect. Not being a sci-fi or space adventures fan almost hindered my exposure to this masterpiece. And the fact that this will be a trilogy makes me very impatient to get my hands on the next installment. Excellent setting, great characters and stunning production values describe this title best. Highly recommended! 9/10