The sequel should be amazing

User Rating: 8.5 | Mass Effect X360
There are definitely some key points that need to be improved upon.

The combat, I think, would be greatly enhanced by using a 1st person perspective, this would make the game much more atmospheric whilst in combat, which is what I feel the game currently lacks.

The true strong point of the game is the main story and side quests.
I was instantly enthralled by the story and loved the characters, and the dialogue is unbeatable, a little more humour wouldn't go a miss though...

The game does serious very well I think a little more light hearted moments would work well as the characters seem a little one dimensional, although that dimension is what works very well indeed.
I've played it though twice now and definitley intend to again soon which brings me to achievements... some are inventive but a majority are using biotic attacks a certain number of times or getting so many kills with certain weapons. wait. where's my freedom again?
The game would have benefited from many more hidden plot moments, things that involve, perhaps, the history of the other characters? They talk alot about their history, it's very enjoyable, but could we go seek revenge for Rex? No? Well, I'll leave him to brood then.

Overall excellent, just some minor tweaks to make the sequel a classic.

Also, why why why is the lift in the Normandy so incredibly slow!!!!