Great game, but with minor problems.
GamePlay - The gameplay in this game has mixed reactions. The on foot battle can be really fun at time, but other times can be extremely frusturating. Ive died a lot in heated battles because of moves that constantly knock you off your feet, and the enemy can take advantage of these situations really well by shooting at you while your down till you die. Also once your shield is gone you really cant take a lot of damage, which is basicly realistic. When you get good upgrades and armour and moves the game really opens up and makes thing a hell of a lot easier, the game then becomes really enjoyable! The missions when driving can also be frusturating. I find the mako can not take a good amount of damage so you spend less time killing and more time just driving past the enemies. Lucky there is a repair button, but it doesnt repair the vehicle all that much.
Graphics - The graphics are great! makes the game really come to life. There is a lot of variation between colors and all the aliens look amazing. The intense graphics have their downside which leads to a choppy frame rate, but the dip in FPS isn't really that bad. The game is still very playable.
Sound - The sound and the voice acting are top notch. You wont experience many games with such great sound work. Absolutely tons of dialog to go through and just listening to the players voices is great! the voice work is very believable.
Rough spots- Like stated before the gameplay can be tricky. Your team mates AI for such a high profile game is really lacking. More times than not your team mates are probably just going to die, and there is no real point to reviving them in the middle of a fight because they will probably just die again.
Frame rate drops are frequent, but the game is still very playable.
Odd glitches like getting stuck in the terrain is horrible.
Auto save system sucks, but luckly you can same anytime you like!
Overall this game isnt for everyone, but if you like a good shooter with RPG elements and a sci-fi twist, this game is worth checking out!