A very good RPG for the Xbox 360.

User Rating: 9 | Mass Effect X360
After finishing my first play through of Mass Effect, I like to give my 2 cent on this game. The reason I bought this game is because I like RPG and I am a fan of bioware's baldur's gate series. I know they make quality plot and smooth storyline. The game didn't disappoint me at all compare to some other players who dislike this game, but to clarify one thing, this game is a RPG, not a shooter, at least its not meant to be a shooter.

The graphic of this game is nicely done, for an RPG the textures are expected to be recycle and in mass effect, it was cover up nicely. The blur effect which generates the film grain effect makes the motion of character and some shadowing much more naturaly, but this is always an option to turn it off. Overall the graphic is not top notched but its great for an RPG.

The Sound is excellent, ranging from voice acting, background music, the effects of certain situtation. For a RPG, the voice of each character is very important, and bioware have done a great job at it. The dialogue is also outstanding, no longer you have to read line of option which you can say, word by word, but now you only need to choose what respond comes first in your head. Example is responding Yes in nice tone, neutral tone or an aggressive tone etc.

The Plot of the story is great, It start slow but gets in the climax in about 8 hours in game. Its all about you, saving the galaxy. Because this is a trilogy, you should expect the ending to answer most of your question, but at the same time give you more question about the game, which hopefully will be in the next game. The Ending IMO is not as epic as other RPG i played.

The Combat system have minor flaw but its enjoyable, you can command your squad to follow, go to a location, find cover, or attack a target. However, sometime your team will not obey your order or even starting acting on their own after they finishing doing what you told to do. Most of the time they will get themself killed. The best thing is hold their position in a doorway or a chokepoint, and you can lure enemy to them and then finish them off. For experience shooter, use expert mode and low setting on aim help.

The game itself have numerous glitches, like character stuck in a wall, forcing you to restart at your last save point. Enemy stuck inside obstacle where you can't hit them and they can't hit you. Your teammates are fighting for one cover space while there is a lot of other covers nearby. There is alot to talk about but it didn't make the game unplayable, but it did drag the game score down.

Graphic 9/10
Sound 10/10
Plot 9.5/10
Combat 8/10
Technical Issue and Bugs Fixed 7/10

Sums it up its around 9.0

I also got disk reading error and it screw around with me for couple of minute but then I play for 6 hours straight and nothing happen.