Excelent plot and gameplay makes this game one of the best on 360 without any doubt
A 3rd person shooter-RPG elements makes this game extremely fun, considering all the options and elements on it:
-Find/buy items
-Level up to learn and improve skills
-Option to travel across the galaxy finding quests
-Option to custom a character
-Acording with the player perspective, keep a 2-storyline-like endings
-4 weapons + granedes have never been that enough!
-Get cover and rpg-like skills makes a good tactical game
The story is SO immersive, since the beggining to the end making this game easy to recommend.
Few bad things can be achieved, but the ones i saw are:
- Kinda slow plot...talk a lot and many times.
- Graphics could be better (not saying are bad tho)
personally, this game is a must buy, today isnt even expensive and any gamer that keep track of good new games...theyd surely have or at least played this game. if u dont, u shouldnt hesitate cuz a sequel is coming and i cant wait for it!
gl hf