8.5 is WAY to low for this game. If you have ever played an RPG and even sort of liked it...this is the game for you.

User Rating: 9.5 | Mass Effect X360
Wow...8.5 Gamespot? It's rare that I find myself rating a game so much higher than you guys. But this game deserves better than an 8.5. Not that I am saying that it is perfect. There are problems. NPCs do get caught on the surroundings quite a bit. The frame rate does slow down. And there is lag in the draw rate (which sometimes gets mistaken for frame rate, but these are not actually the same thing) in many situations (change armor to see what I am talking about). Finally, would it have hurt them to create more than one derelict ship? Or more than one isolated science facility? My theory is that there AI which was probably originally designed strictly for an RPG gets a little confused, so they had to create very limited amounts of enclosed spaces. But really, that is just nit-picking faults in a nearly perfect game.

Oh, and Penny-Arcade is right, those elevators are ridiculous (I think that there is some little dude with a hand crank at the top winching you up). Load times suck. But you can blame M$oft for that one...wish all 360's had to have hard drives.

In spite of all that, this game deserves a 9.5. The above are the reasons that knocked it off of the illustrious and unobtainable 10.0 perch.

Why is it good?

Immersive Story. Great Characters. Amazing graphics. Spectacular soundtrack. Excellent dialog. Fun gameplay. Repeat play is pretty much a must. Oh...and interspecies...extracurricular activities...

And I end this review a little game guide bashing here. In the guide the writer mentions that he only went to the Citadel twice. Big faux pas. After each major storyline quest there are new Assignments spawning at the Citadel. Our gamespot guide was basically admitting that he didn't play most of the side quests. Tsk...tsk... Well, maybe they underscored the game by a point because they just didn't have time to enjoy it.