Intergalactic adventure on a massive scale - BioWare strikes gold in their latest RPG outing.

User Rating: 9 | Mass Effect X360
Let's get one thing straight: In a lot of ways, Mass Effect is like other BioWare console ventures. So if you liked playing through KOTOR or Jade Empire, chances are you'll immediately feel at home with Commander Shepard and his (or her) ragtag team of alien soldiers. There's the old meter measuring your good and evil deeds (this time cleverly named "Paragon" and "Renegade") and a slew of open-ended missions that affect your moral standing. Do you calmly talk intergalactic terrorists out of assassinating their hostage or do you egg them on by shooting one of the angry men in the foot? Do you talk sense into an unstable man or throw him across the room with the best of your biotic abilities? End a racketeering ring or profit from it? Help a family member uncover a lost love one or laugh in his pitiful, grieving face?

Okay, so the choices you make are fairly hyperbolic - you either become the reincarnate of Gandhi or show up Skeletor as the supreme badass of the universe. Like Fable and other games, Mass Effect is fairly heavy-handed when it comes to ethically-based decisions; in other words, the ambiguous gray area is obliterated to make way for choices that either make you a saint or a human form of the Devil. But even with the game giving you such extreme decisions like choosing between saving alien orphans and eating them, Mass Effect is still fun to play. The gameplay is strikingly similar to Knights of the Old Republic: Your character leads a three-man team across the universe, taking on various sidequests and chasing after a nefarious evildoer who is bent on bringing an end to humanity. You're given the aforementioned good/evil points based on your actions and skill points for your battling, which can be spent leveling up your combat skill, adeptness in tech abilities, or strengthening your magic-like biotic spells. Mass Effect introduces a new function to increase interactivity in squad combat in that you can control both your comrades' abilities and strategic location, thanks to a list of simple commands mapped onto your directional pad. Want them to take cover with you? Press left on the directional pad. Want them to rush the enemy? Just tap up and they're there. But don't expect to kick back and allow Ashley and Wrex to take care of your dirty work; if you take the noncombatant approach, your allies will be Geth fodder in a matter of seconds.

Note: Sacrificing party members to your enemies does not increase your renegade points.

The sheer level of customization in the game is incredible. Not only do you have five different types of weapons at your disposal (pistol, assault rifle, sniper rifle, shotgun, and grenade), but you can tailor each weapon through ammo and weapon upgrades. Stick these upgrades on to increase weapon stability, or range of attack, or damage versus organics, mechanics - the point is, if you want something tacked on to your sniper rifle to make it better in aspects X, Y, and Z then hey, BioWare's got you covered. The same level of customization is available to your armor as well, and I'm sure a few KOTOR fans will be impressed before they even begin their quest on Eden Prime. You can select your character from either one of the two pre-made models - but seriously, where's the fun in that? - or make one of your own. Anyone familiar with Western role-playing games knows that he can outfit his character with whatever hair color and job class he wants (and both options are at your disposal), but additionally, you can choose the background for your character. Want a war hero, whose good deeds are heralded across the galaxy? Not a problem. Want an orphan used to fighting by any means necessary for survival? Believe it or not, it's an option as well. Whatever option you settle upon, it will provide an impact in the game, as people will use these biographical tidbits in conversation with you, with a "hey, weren't you the war hero/orphan/alien baby eater?" that works to immerse you just a little bit deeper in this fictional universe.

The graphics are amazing, and given the wide scope of the worlds you're traversing, you might not expect this level of detail in the title. The backgrounds, although nice to look at (especially within the Citadel), tend to repeat themselves in building elements (I'm looking at you, pirate hideouts). Rather, the game really shines with its wide array of character models. The ensemble - human beings, Elcor, Asari, Krogan, etcetera - all move uniquely and fluidly, and their faces carry a high level of realism with every forehead crinkle and eyelid blink that covers a glossy pupil. The voice acting further fleshes out each character, with a cast of well-known individuals from the Hollywood circuit providing the audio clips for our soldiers. Everyone does a superb job of breathing life into well-written script; they act and react realistically to the dire situations the game throws at them, which ultimately allows the player to bond with the various fighters inhabiting your ship, the Normandy.

Of course, no game comes without its shortcomings, and Mass Effect has a few to speak of. Although there are a fair share of side missions to indulge in, most of them follow the same format: travel to Planet X, eliminate rebel threat on planet, return to the Citadel for your reward and another mission that follows these same guidelines. Of course, there are a few missions that stray from the tried-and-true formula - collection-based tasks and other assignments that force you to put your conversation skills to use - but a vast majority just ask you to kill a rebel mercenary. You can always return to the story, but be prepared to pay attention. Mass Effect provides players with a vast universe to explore, complete with a set of customs for each species and a backlog of politics that you quickly find yourself entangled in. Especially during the first few hours, some people might feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information the game is flinging at you, so that you might find yourself referencing your Codex to figure out who the hell Saren is, what he wants with these Geth fellows, and why you should give a damn about them. Besides that, some frustrations with Mako camera controls, and a couple frame rate issues, the game's pure genius.

Look at spending a good forty hours immersed in Mass Effect's universe, and chances are, you'll be glad you did. The game takes the idea of an interactive storybook experience and runs with it, so that you can spend those precious hours learning about other species or, if being evil's your thing, blowing them to smithereens. The choice is yours, and whether you choose the good or evil route, you're guaranteed to have a fun time playing through BioWare's latest outing this holiday season.

- Top-of-the-line graphics that offer a more emotional gaming experience thanks to a wide range of realistic facial expressions programmed in each character.
- Very detailed universe with an extensive history, alien culture, and political scene that deserves exploration on top of the elaborate story.
- Well-written script is brought to life via the talented acting cast; additionally, the music and sound effects are well executed.
- High level of customization for your character, body armor, and weapons that allow gamers to play a variety of ways: Blast your way through worlds as a soldier, or rely on your biotic abilities as an Adept.
- Game is on the lengthy side, taking upwards of forty hours to complete.

- Side missions can become tedious, as you'll be spending most of your time running from planet to planet and eliminating small enemy factions.
- Maneuvering the Mako can become frustrating, as sometimes the camera dips beneath the vehicle. Additionally, on cold planets, the crosshairs fade into the background and the gun is ineffective against most enemies.
- Story line is convoluted in the beginning of the game and takes time and patience to straighten out what is going on.
- Frame rate drops when you're leaving/entering a planet.