There is nothing out there, imo, that has this level of epic story, drama, superb animation and digital acting, period!

User Rating: 9.5 | Mass Effect X360
Man... to be a gamer this year... I don't want this feeling to ever end! I was surprised by Bioshock, excited for Halo 3, intrigued with Assassin's Creed, on the edge of my seat with CoD4, blown away by Portal, memorized with Crysis, and felt like a kid in the candy store shooting through the "other" galaxy in Super Mario Galaxy (Wii), but those great games and a few that weren't mentioned, like Rock Band, still did not strike quite the cord that Mass Effect did for me!

Sure, some it may be that I am a Sci-fi geek, have been looking forward to this game for a long time, and have enjoyed just about every other Bioware game - so call me a fanboy, but I will take that as a compliment. The truth is, you don't have to be a sci-fi geek or fanboy to see that ME is one of the best games to make its way onto the console (and later PC) market. You don't even have to be a hardcore RPG gamer or Action Shooter gamer, or intriguing story whore, you just need to sit in front of your TV and enjoy all that is before you and be thankful that you can partake, or better yet, live and survive in such a believable epic world.

The game also has its fair share of flaws or annoyances when it comes to the overall content or gameplay. The game tries to blend the best of many games and doesn't always deliver because of it. In the end we can gripe about the inventory system, the slowness of some side quests, some of the texture mapping pop-ins, questionable AI, or some buggy issues, but as you've probably heard in many reviews already, those DO NOT take away from the overall game experience because they are minor in comparison to the story you are taking part in. Any other game that had some of the issues that ME has may not have done that well or would not have been as enthralling, but ME does the good things so right (story, dialog, pacing, emotion) that the parts that aren't quite up to snuff don't really matter.

If you are a gamer and enjoy an excellent story and interactive experience you should stop reading the reviews in here and start playing this game!
