BioWare has always had a solid reputation for RPGs, but Mass Effect is revolutionary.
User Rating: 9.5 | Mass Effect PC
BioWare is a Canadian corporation that excels in bringing deep, immersive role playing back into the spotlight, a refreshing take on a genre that has been plagued by repetetive menu systems and boring characterizations. Mass Effect, launched for the Xbox 360 and more recently for PC, is the first in a planned trilogy of epic proportions. Mass Effect delivers an extremely unorthodox experience when it comes to the combat model, which takes place in a third person over-the-shoulder style similar to Gears of War. The action is refreshing, can be extremely challenging, and is a huge improvement over traditional role playing battle systems. The graphics are excellent, and many GPU's can play this game with crisp, and robust performance and quality. Any RPG or FPS lover would drool over this game, BioWare has done it yet again.