" I cried, I laughed, I enjoyed, I became frightened, all in only 3 hours of the game!!!"

User Rating: 10 | Mass Effect X360
I could not even begin to fit this game into one word that described it, so like the comcast commercials, I used a phrase: Unbelievably awesome intense immense almighty invigorating superb game play enriched with heavenly acting combined with a dramatic exciting immersed fun interesting story. I cannot tell you how this game has affected me, and in only 3 hrs and 45 mins. of game play!

Pros: STORY AMAZING! ACTING IS THE BEST IVE HEARD EVER! I (as you know) didn't like many RPG games except KOTOR I and II. This game gave me a new perspective on RPG's, and the genre. The game had a fufilling combat (for me at least). The sound, the emotions generated by the characters and music really made me feel proud, and in the game. When I became a specter, I felt a new emotion that I never felt inside a game or movie, I felt pride
virtual pride, I blocked out the problems with my life, and fell in LOVE with the game. Plus I haven't even seen a single glitch, or bug, or offset motion by the enviroment, or characters. Plus there really aren't any loading screens in the game, you either see a view of the thriving citadel, a city, or you talk with your companions in the elevator!

Cons: Cons should not even be mentioned with this game!

Overall: I would like to extend an invitation to the greatest game EVER created, better than any halo, better than any KOTOR or any game! This game is priceless. I also hear the replay value is amazing, because my friend played it 5 times, with different classes each time, and he still hasn't done every side quest in the game. I was impressed, and I will enjoy playing this for hours. BUY IT! I actually did! I ask you, no I will tell you it is worth it, worth all your money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!