This game will get mass playtime
The Graphics
Man are they pretty, every single thing is detailed right to the spec on the wall. The create a character system makes your character look exactly like you. Everything is nice and there was no lack of detail in anything in the game. The background is really nice and makes you want to look all around you and explore everything.
The Story
The story is the best there is out there in video games. It is an interactive story where you pick your own diolouge and that determines how you character is perceived and how other characters look at him. You get to pick your own character's back story and that even changes how the story is seen. Theres a fable like system that is better than the one fable has. The responses you pick determine if your a good guy or bad guy who pushes people around but its not exactly pure evil or good. you can be half so yea. Every planet in the galaxy has a story and there are a lot of them. You can talk with everyone and get to know there stories and its a long detailed one. The writers musta been working there asses off with all this taking and story telling to go through
The Gameplay
Its a third person shooter RPG, sounds like the greatest thing ever man. You get to shoot peeps up and get points for it to make your character stronger. Man is that great. So everything isnt fast paced but it still is pretty sweet and you aint gotta worry about ammo in this either, your gun has an unlimited amount but it can over heat causing instances where battle becomes almost strategic. There are tons of classes to choose from where there either good at combat, techs or biotics or a mixture of them. Everything is real time so you can order what your other party members are doing and the weapon changes is real easy. I'm not a fan of the sniper though. There aint enough stability to make it useful unless your party members got you covered.