Good Story and Fun to Play
Gameplay - This game is in third person and can be difficult to get used to, but it feels just right after a while. If you have played Gears of War you will notice a similarity of taking cover behind walls and holding the A button to run (even though you can only run while fighting which is a little annoying seeing how your character moves at a jogging pace). You also have abilities called biotics, these abilities allow you to throw, lift, create barriers and ect. They can be useful but they do take time to recharge, sometimes alot of time. This may result in you dying.
WARNING : By the way the autosave system is terrible for Mass Effect... Save often because if you die you will most likely have to start over from when the level started!!!
Graphics - I was impressed by the level of detail for the graphics. There is an issue where the textures load and everything looks funny. This does happen alot so if you can get passed the issue of having the graphics load while playing you should be fine. Honestly it ruins a few serious moments, I wont spoil anything but during a fight scene the "enemy boss" tried talking to me and his face had no texture.. It made me laugh during one of the most serious moments in the game.. Nevertheless, the graphics are excellent for Mass Effect
Sound - The soundtrack is fairly good, although it can get a little dull at parts. The guns sound futuristic and the rockets/turrets sound great when they're being fired, a nice bass sound follows a shell being fired. The voice acting is superb and should be remember and be set as an example for other games to follow.
Online - There is no online gameplay.
Mass Effect is an excellent game with an amazing story and voice acting cast. Despite the few technical issues Mass Effect is worth buying. There is soo much to do and soo many options to choose from in the game.
*Replay Value - High