From the people in New York,to the hill people of Tudzikistan,this game has become an instant classic!
Viewer disscresion is advised :)
Note:This is a work in progress i might update later,though i doubt it...
Im a lazy bastard!
If this game was a woman,i would soooo do her!
Im not gonna lie to you my dear friends this game is not awful,its not bad, its not avrege,its not good,its not great,its not briliant,its not the best!
its something else entirly...!
Its something divine,God himself touched those blessed bastards at BioWare when they were making this game!
From the creators of Knights of the old republic and Neverwinter Nights, comes Mass Effect,and when BioWare makes a game,they aim to please...
BioWare's staff are talented,geniuses even,Mozzart is their counter part to music,Tolstoj and Dostojevski are their counter parts in literature,Picaso...
Well,no,not Picaso,Picaso was a sad old drunk/opium smoker...
From the begining to the end,this game is a thriling expirience packed with action,blood,trully incredible plot/story,amazing dialogues,divine voice acting, beautiful combat,sweet gameplay,many choices and freedoms,puzzles,driving killing,helping,betrayl,turns and twists,and God knows what else,this game is gonna seduce you like the rack of Pamela Anderson (if your a guy,and if your a girl,its gonna seduce you like Brad Pit), and make you beg for more,as you are glued to the screen of your plasma TV and/or monitor...
The game also features some scense of explict sexual content...
I say,whats the bad part,listen,the first time i learned about sex was when i was 10,and i turned out ok,Oh my God i just had a crazy fantasy,i have to go and do....something :)
Bioshock showed us that games can be art.Mass Effect shows us that games can be something greater than art,it shows us that games can be great art!
We do not advise people who hate spoilers to read the following section does not take any responsability for whatever it writes if you try to sue us you will get a big **** you messege,and we,the owners of the company will skip bail, if you have more questions please contact us at:
888-4564-we will never get back to you
or at
Ummm,actually,i must tell you people that i was just joking,and that the above mentioned site,does actually exist.
The game starts off,showing Commander Sheppard the protagonist of the game,awaiting orders from his captain,as it turns out,he is supposed to help a Specter (we will get to them latter) retrieve a beacon (information storage) made by an advanced extinct race,the Protheans,or...something...
You are supposed to descend into Eden Prime,a human colony/paradise that turned into hell,everything goes wrong,another Specter Saren kills the Specter that you were supposed to hel Nihlus.
The beacon gets destroyed,even though you manage to safe some of the stored info.
You are taken back to the Citadel,the capital planet of the universe,where you your self will become a Specter,and hunt down Saren!
The game features a lot of truly unexpected twists and turns,your comrades die,some of them will have to be eliminated by your own hand,others betray you...
Just when you think you can trust someone,BAM,**** YOU!
The gameplay is brilliant,from the diologues to the combat,everything is polished everything,perfected.
Diologues will have many choices,some will bring you paragon points (good) some renegade points (evil)
You can use such skills as charm and intimidate to help you with diologue choices,note that charm mostly bring you paragon while intimidate brings you renegade points!
The combat it self,is pretty much simple,if you want it to be,or in can be very complicated,if you are nuts,and like things harder than they are supposed to be.
Simpe,go in,kill,kill,kill
Complicated, command every action of your squad.
Powers and abbilities
You unlock powers by spending points in your skills,talents as they are called in game!
You have biotic powers,basicly,technology allows you to do some brain ****ing with the enemy.
And abbilities,also technology,only no brain ****ing instead you just introduce them into a world of PAIN!
Now,the tactical hud defualt spacebar.
The tactical hud allows you not only to change weapons and use your powers, but to command your part members,you can have a max party of 3 members including your self,so choose wisley.
The tactical hud also alows you to command your party members,by telling them to move where you want to,telling them to hold their position,telling them to follow you,to take cover,to use abbilities and powers.
Inventory system.
The items you get are cllasified into 6 or 7 inventory filters,7 if you can use omni-tools.
The filters are pistols,shotguns,assult rifles,sniper rifles,omni-tools,grenades and armor.
You can also give the items upgrades,you will find upgrades around the world as you unlock containers kill enemies or you can simply buy them,the same goes for any other item.
Some upgrades only offer you benefities others benefities and downers.
*Voice acting*
If you never carred for voice acting,you will now.
The voice talents,and i do underline talents,have done just an incredible job at their job.
They really make you believe in what their saying,they make you believe the characters are real,that they had a past,its just incredible.
Music is pretty well done,though in some places,it just downright sucks.
Well,actually,only in one place,when your exploring spooky deserted places, it tends to get sucky.
*Combat System*
Action filled,TPS junkies will have a blast.
*Technical issues*
From the random crash to your desktop,to somtimes being unable to zoom while in combat,these bugs are almost invisible,the game really makes you forget the bugs,and if you do get pissed off,this game is truly worth it!
Overall,a game you will play over and over and over,from the people in New York,to the hill people of Tudzikistan,this game has become an instant classic!
Plot/Story (incredible) 207.8/10
Voice acting (incredible) 189.5/10
Gameplay (incredible) 457.9/10
Graphics (incredible) 81591.9/10
Music (pretty good) 9/10