Another game with a great story and good graphs that has no business being played on a PC.
User Rating: 8 | Mass Effect PC
The story is fantastic, the music, the way everything looks but the interface is meant to be played on a cheap console not on a gaming pc. It aims poorly using little circles assuming that we are all 12 year old boys thumbing a joystick on a 100 dollar console. The learning curve for a PC player is a bit long I finished the game in about 35 hours and was never successful at firing the sniper rifle. The desitions you make when you first start the game can cripple your gameplay. How can you choose what specialty you want your character to be without proper introduction? Why not let you grow in any and all directions available? The dialogues give you plenty of choices thinking that your input will make a great difference, must of the time the characters have the same dialogue regardless of what answer or question you choose. I dont know where to start I dont know where to end. Is a great story, great graphs, the battles look and feel just right but is not worth playing on a PC. Buy it for your kid or nephew.
P.S. On the positive side this is the most kick butt version of morrowind I ever played :)).
If you have time to waste, waste it on this. For quality games see Deus Ex and Half Life series.