A gripping storyline with fun combat and lovable characters

User Rating: 9.5 | Mass Effect X360
General: I will have to rehash what many others have said: It's a short game. Even doing all the side missions and exploring deep into space, you'll probably squeeze roughly 10 hours out of the game and even less if you blow through the main plot at a respectable rate. Having said that, we can move on to the positives.

The game has some customizing built into the plot (you can determine the fate of some of your squadmates) and it even goes down the guns you use (do you want a gun that overheats faster but does more damage, or a pea shooter that never gets hot?). In addition, the story is the most powerful element at work. At the climax of the plot, you will really feel like a hero due to your subconscious emotional investment into your custom built Shepard.

Gameplay: Shooter RPGs that make gameplay this fun are hard to come by. In addition, the reliance on storytelling and interacting with your party (a classic bioware mechanic) really gets you into the game when you take the time to delve in. The difficulty feels right too.

Graphics: The graphics are really good but poorly optimized (at least for my pc). Still, everything looks good.

Sound: Not much to be commented on here. It's solid, but nothing memorable.

Overall: If you want a quick single player journey into deep space to save not just earth but the entire galaxy, grab mass effect. It is also a big bonus to play mass effect 1 before 2. Trust me on that