The must have RPG for the 360.

User Rating: 9 | Mass Effect X360
Mass Effect is a sci-fi RPG that was created by Bioware. When I finished this game I asked myself this question. Could this be the best game on the Xbox 360? It has a lot to support its case. With great gameplay, a compelling story and lots of replay value. This is no doubt of the best Xbox 360 games to date.

You are Commander Sheppard who is going on a mission to a planet called Eden prime to collect a Prothean Beacon. You are about to become humanity's first spectre who is an individually who acts above the law and does missions however he pleases. A Turian, which is a species of aliens in Mass Effect, called Nilus was supposed to go on this mission with you to see if you had the potential to become a Spectre and give a final recommendation to the council to become a Spectre. However another Turian Spectre called Saren killed Nilus. The Council decided to make Sheppard a Spectre and giving him his first mission. To track down the rouge Spectre Saren and kill him. The story is a bit more interesting than that but I don't want to give much away.

At the start of the game you are given the option to use the default character or you can create a character. Here you can change facial feature, sex and story. As well from this you can choose his class. This gives you specializing in weaponry, biotics. Which gives power to manipulate the enemy, Tech ,which is usually messes with the enemies weapons and shields, or a combination of the two. You meet a lot of interesting characters in your adventure. It is actually fun to talk to the characters of this game and it is very interesting to hear about the story of each of the alien races back story. You will know the alien races in no time.

Mass Effects combat system is quite unique. You usually fight in a group of three. You will meet humans and aliens who will help on your mission. You have four weapons: assault rifle, pistol, shotgun and sniper rifle. Depending on what class you picked you will at least be specialised in one of these weapons. You also have your biotics and tech powers as well. You can select what weapon you and your team mates in this wheel selection system. How you use your powers is slightly different. You select your powers on the wheel systems as well but you will have to be facing the enemy. Combat is really fun and is intuitive. Like most RPG's you gain experience points for defeating enemies. You also get experience for completing objectives, opening boxes with a combination on it and talking. Once you gain enough experience points you will level up and gain talent points which can be spent on improving your abilities.

Remember the Question I asked myself about this being the best game on the Xbox 360. Well it is just gone under it when I played a second time round. The games faults are that it most of the time has texture problems which means most the textures aren't there when you look at it but it appears a few seconds late. Another problem is the side missions. They are quite fun if you love the combat. But the thing is there is not enough variety. Almost every side mission has the same three buildings including in them. As well as that the Mako, which is the only vehicle in Mass Effect is one of the most frustrating vehicles ever. It is just more out of control than the Halo's warthog and the cannon on it doesn't always fire where you want it to.

The other great little things about this game is the sound quality. It has great voice acting and the sound effects are great. It will take you about 20 hours to beat it on your first playthrough. But you will more likely want to beat it again on higher difficulty different class or playing new game+. So sadly Mass Effect couldn't beat what I considered the Best Xbox 360 game I played. But it still well worth to play the game. If I missed any thing out it is because I rushed this Review. And for people who are interested in the one moderate sex scene this is false information. There are two of them and they are not very interesting.

The must buy RPG for the 360.

+ Fantastic gameplay
+Amazing Story
-Graphical problem
-not enough variation in side missions.

If you find something wrong about how I write my reviews please tell me. You can also check out my other reviews on

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