FORGET THE ORIGINAL AND UPDATE IT. Very different from moo2 but an amazing game with special thanks to Bhruic's
I got a very disappointing retail version, mostly cause of high expectations regarding moo2. Very tough to learn due to great complexity and it could use some more automatization specially for new players, had a lot of bugs and stuff so i played a few times then neglected it on a shelf.
I returned to it a few months later and discovered a much better investment with the updated version.
The game had lots and lots of improvements with the subsequent patches and for the still existing bugs independent mods completely solve the problems and add lots of customizable options without altering the game essence (just get the latest official patch + bhruics fixes (you can independently choose what bug to fix))
Short game review:
So later I got terribly addicted with it, lots of new races that are well balanced, each is strong in its own manner, it has good AI, great diplomacy (only Space empires V has better) and the variety of technologies to research is impressive. It is really fun micromanaging the economy and space battles but if you prefer the CPU can take care of it with average results. A good note to the new REALISTIC non humanoid races very intelligently designed, they are credible and don't look like humans in a costume.
Its not MOO2:
Yes at fist it was little unsatisfying, but if u give it a chance (be patient) it is really a great game. Try not to see it as a sequel to moo2 but as a new different game. I still wish for a real sequel to moo2, but now i wish for a sequel to this game also :p