Greatest game of all

User Rating: 10 | Master of Orion II: Battle at Antares PC
I think that who ever made this got a humoungus (I spelled that wrong), pay check because this game became such a big hit amongst strategy players. It is everything that a gamer wants. Although the sound and graphics aren't revolutionary, that isn't what counts in a game, personally people now a days are more concerned with graphics than gameplay, and if you think like that then you are not a true player. This game has everything needed to become a classic, not that it already isn't but, this game has a great scenario, great gameplay, and hundreds of possibilites. Personally my favorite feature is how you gain research, ships, buildings, movement, and growth of population turn by turn, because you don't find that kind of gameplay around in the world that often. But the dogfights are pretty cool to. I also like the fact that each race has their own individual abilities and if you don't like them you can custimize them to make the greatest. Anyways I just wanted to say that this game will go down in history, that is if it hasn't already. Oh and yes, I realize a spelled some of these wrong, people please leave me alone about that. That is all. This game rocks...