Mata Hari: Betrayal is only a Kiss Away___ I swear she must be turning over in her grave...
Any gamer knows that point and click games can tend to be, by their vary nature, somewhat slow, a bit boring and repetitive.
But if adorned with good graphics, plenty of content and well thought puzzles they can be a joy to play when all the 3d and next gen games that we own have been played, the point and click adventures can be a nice change of pace until the next cool game is released.
Mata Hari, is, in few words. The WORST, most BORING, uncreative, unoriginal, simplistic, unexciting, non challenging, stupid game you could ever own!
The puzzles are as simplistic and vertical as you can imagine.
The missions are no brainers, and rather brainless.
The content is so scarce I think my 3 year old could play this and beat it, and I'm not kidding.
It takes you by the hand and leads you down a narrow corridor of nearly nonexistent choices, to only end up with nearly no satisfaction at all.
Sure the game contains some nicely rendered scenes and pseudo 3D levels... More like 2.5 D but the rendering of the characters is years behind, the quality of the game is not up to par with today's expectations. The one thing that may have saved this game from total disaster isn't there, the graphics look old and dated. With such a colorful era in which this game is placed, turn of the century France, the creators fall short.
It's all about content. this game simply does not have it.
Save your money, "Mata Hari: Betrayal is only a Kiss Away" will be in the $5 bargain bins before the end of the year, trust me.