Can a game with such a an interesting idea become one of Iphone's best games? Find out in my rev.....NO, NO IT CANT

User Rating: 3.5 | Max Injury IOS
-Interesting idea
-Somewhat entertaining

-Repetitious sound effects get annoying
-Fails in the humor it attempts
-Shallow environments and objectives
-No real challenge
-Poor control
-Gets old incredibly fast
-Provides little to no reason to come back for more

It's amazing I found the demo of this game before I decided to purchase the whole game. Yes this is based off the demo, but everything in the original is included in the demo, just blocked off. It's simple really; avoid this game. It provides no fun, no challenge, no reason to come back, and no fun. I know i said no fun twice but thats because it was just that bad. When I looked throughout the extras and stuff, there basically was none. If there was anything it wasn't worth remembering. I expected this game to be really funny and enjoyable, but it was the exact opposite because not only do the physics and environments suck, but everything you'd expect in this kind of game aren't there. If they did put effort into the game I cant find it anywhere. If you truly don't believe what I'm saying play the demo yourself and get your own opinion. This is mine: AVOID AS BEST AS YOU CAN!