Very short for a 9 very linear and it plays like crap(WHY ALL THAT HATE TO THE PLAYER WHY?) why a9? The Game is a joke!
I dont really get it why a 9 the graphics back then probably the rest? well the story aint much aint it leaves after 6 hours thats 5 without the videos and makes you thirst for more shooting and levels, Now max payne doesnt autosave so you better save all the time or you start all over,The game plays like every bad 3rd person shooter but it has the slo mo and the stunt abilities now i find totally idiotic the way the character got to jump and stupid you stunt shoot fall down and die while the enemies shoot you trying to get up the slo mo is not slow its fast so it doesnt help much, seriously now what goof is slow mo if you cant hit a moving enemy with a sniper rilfe in slo mo? mainly the combat plays like cap the crosshair and aiming is stupid and the bullets dont go where you aim but randomly spread around also the close quarters shotgun needs 2 or 3 even 3 shots to kill someone yes ITS CRAP so dont you shotgun in close quarters because it SUCKS continuing on the best weapons are the assult rilfes for 3 reasons apart form a sniping sequence you wont use the sniper 2 there are no mchineguns or grenade lauchers 3 because all weapons SUCK in acuuaray all autos are better dont hope for a headshot in this game! also in the level that yo see the abd guys playing piano i cahllenge you to prove me wrong just shoot to the head the one who is standing and you will hit the window glass instead, the combat works like this they see you or the apppear and they start shooting never stop and unload their weapons on you the ak takes 3 shots to kill someone so i got toa say that if someone pops out and shoot you you will die in 1.2 second so they shoot you and you take a very high amount of damage , WHICH IS STUPID AND CRAP becasue, i enter a room and i shoot someone 1 2 times with the shotgun then the outher guy while am taking severe fire by all the outher and i keep shooting 3 4 5 one dead 6 second dead... NO 7 yeah now he is dead and nothing is more satyisfing than to figure out that the first enemy you started shooting after 2 shotgun shots all very clos is till alive and you spend 7 shotgun shells to kill 3 people BUT one is alive and he BLOWS THE CRAP OUT OF YOU restart the level now.... or other times i try to gifure where to go next and a door open or enemies start shooting from hell if i know where and i end up dead and frustrated WTF just happen right about now? trying to figure where to go a door opens behind you and bang you are dead that simple that fast DUH i only figure out that i got shoted now from where.... or the grenade throwing ai that often blow their selfs of or the fast that they shoot formr behind the msot unbelievable places but when i try it seems that my weapon and crosshair are not very aligned! I even opened a door and throw a grenade no luck but the enemy followed me and i hide inside the closet (actually it was an open door small room) but thhis guy entered the room like he knew i was there or getting out of a van in one level th ai knows where you are and shoots youby stucking bullets in you with auto aim and hit they hit everything even miles away witch we be better if there were wide levels so i can dodge a bullet of two like the tutorial in max payne also the game shows the physics engine and ragdoll like a tech demo ! there are some levels that aeveything is blowing up and requires you to survive but it jsut doesnt work right, mainly levels are borring the weapons balamcement is the worst eg a shotgun 2 3 hits an ak 47 3 DUH ARE THEY NUTS? so mainly if you an enemy with a ak 47 or m4 you are already dead and painkiller heall one hit each so after a firefifgt you go t to use 6 painkillers am i gona have to find that many also ai is crap imagine that ai doesnt follows a flsfhing idicator THIS IS WHERE THE PLAYER IS!!! so the ai goes thee and then the auto aim which ai doesnt control is locked on you by defeault and shooting is auto so mainly it doesnt do anything you and ai meet then you have already taken damgae a lot of damage, why all that damage? why i am talking about alot like you play it in mega hard, by the way where are the difficulty settings?
why all that hate to the player? also the slow mo is fast not like fear and it sucks since id doesnt help at all, near the ending the stupid game requires you to fet to a point by using a broken buggy elevating transpoter while the game's ending big bad boss is shooting at you and kill you in 1 second RIDIUCILUS AND GARBAGE LET ME PLAY DAMN IT so the game is unplayable idiotic riddiculus and very linear and short with zero replaying value only for max payne fans a 6! why to buy a game that you beat in 6 hours and never play again or should i say that the stupid gameplay design doesnt even allow you to play it!