Just an un-biast opinion here.
Well, the game uses a new game engine, making it easier to put in more "bad guys" then before with out loss of resources or framerate, the slo-mo fighting sytle seems to me smoother than the old max payne, and of course this is the original game to use slo-mo style shooting combat so that gets props in itself.
The story line is still told the same way as the original, meaning a lot of comic style cutscences, which could be good for some, but meaning nothing new was taken in this area. at some points in a game you realize that alot of the scenery looks a lot like other levels, just with diffrent things there and painted diffrent colors. also the game just lacks in originality from the first, its still a good old max payne, but there is no new major idea's that were attepted to be emplemented
overall the game is good, but is too much a-like from the orignal, and too repetitive.